Please select your tour packages based on your preferred region, hotel, or designated pickup location, as these factors can impact the tour price. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

Discover one of the most extraordinary river canyons on the planet, nestled within the breathtaking highlands of Viti Levu. Carving a deep gorge through the lush tropical heartland of the island, the Upper Navua River unveils a hidden gateway to an untouched tropical wilderness.

Enveloped by a verdant rainforest, nourished by numerous cascades, and safeguarded by exhilarating rapids, the Upper Navua River Canyon has long remained uncharted territory, known only to the most daring explorers. Now, you have the opportunity to embark on an unforgettable journey through this paradise. Immerse yourself in a hike through the rainforest, navigate thrilling Class 11-111 whitewater, uncover concealed grottoes, and marvel at the multitude of waterfalls that cascade into this extraordinary canyon.

The Upper Navua River offers a greater number of waterfalls than any other tour in Fiji. Accompanied by knowledgeable guides, you will experience exhilarating whitewater, encounter exotic birds and rare fish, and be captivated by the awe-inspiring scenery. If you have any specific dietary requirements, please inform us, and we will make every effort to accommodate your needs.

DEPARTURE/RETURN LOCATION Pacific Harbour . Operates Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
RETURN TIME at 6:00 pm
WEAR Sunscreen, sunhat, sunglasses, swimsuit, short, t-shirt, bottle of water, dry change of clothes for the return trip back to your hotel and a good pair of river shoes or sandals with a heel strap are ideal or a pair of lightweight sport shoes that you don’t mind getting wet



Daily departures

 Pacific Harbour  at 6:45 am

Daily returns

returns at 6:00 pm

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